Saturday 29 August 2009

Basics about networking and hacking Part 1

Hi Readers, I am being getting reply form people saying that all my post are too high for them to get it, so I had planed to talk about very basic networking and the working of computer to get start of with penetration.

How do I hack? - There is no easy way how to hack. Google is your best friend.. REMEMBER THAT! Read any information you can find on hacking. Read hacking forums and check out hacking websites. Learn a programming language like C++. Get a book like Hacking for Dummies which will teach you a lot.

What do I need to be able to hack? - Firstly you need to understand how your computers operating system works, networks and protocols works, security settings and general PC knowledge. After you understand how it works you need hacking tools which helps you to hack.

What is command prompt (cmd- the little dos Windows)? - Go START, RUN and type in: "cmd"

What can I do in cmd? - You can can do various things with it like run exploits or do a ping request.

Why does some of the hacking tools I download just close itself when I open them? - Lot's of hacking tools are DOS based and has to be run through CMD. If you double click on the program it will open a DOS box and automatically close the box. From CMD you can navigate to the directory which your hacking tool is stored in and run it from there. Other hacking tools are GUI ( graphical user interface ) based and it will open like a normal Windows based program.

What is a IP address? - Every computer connected to the Internet or some network has a IP address. Goto START, RUN and type in "cmd" then type in "ipconfig" it will show you your IP address or addresses. It will look something like this : IP = internet protocol.

How do I find someone's IP address? - Look further down in this tutorial and use IPSTEALER

What can I do with a IP? - Well you need someone's IP before you can hack, portscan or DOS them.

What is IP ping ? - It's a command you can use to check if someone's IP address is online, to check it they connected to the Internet or a network. In command prompt type in "ping" - this will show you something like this :

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in Milli-seconds: Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

That means you can successfully PING IP which means the IP is online. If you get a message "request timed out" it means the IP is not online.

Bytes=32 is the amount of data which was sent to the host.

Time<1ms is the time the host took to reply. Now remember that even though you cannot ping a IP, it does not mean the host is not online, ping requests might just be blocked. Why can't I ping a certain IP? - Either the IP is not online/ in use or the person your trying to ping is running a firewall which blocks ping requests or maybe your firewall is blocking outgoing ping requests

What is IP? - It is your PC's local loopback IP address.

Why do I have two IP addresses when I do a ipconfig? - Well if your on a local LAN (Local area network) you will have a IP like If your also connected to the internet you will have another IP address like is your local IP which you use to communicate with your local internet network (lan) and is your internet IP.

In my next post we will see more about Trojans, virus, firewall, router, port number and many more. Also see my previous posting from the archive to your right.

Hope this will be informative to every one


  1. What is orkut profile?

  2. why sir?? first don't be anonymous...

  3. ur asking my profile or need to know what is orkut profile??

  4. its about ur orkut profile so that i can chat during online.

  5. hey i have the chat box here to ur top right i will put my status there so u can chat with me here rather than in orkut....


  7. can u tell me about classes of ip

  8. i want to contact u on facebook my email


  9. can u tell me about classes of ip


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