Saturday 9 August 2008

IS YOUR E-MAIL PASSWORD, PROTECTED ???? [ yahoo vs gmail ]

Do you know the fact that using yahoo is not secure than using gmail. The password which we type is sent in plain text to the server, so if there is a man in the middle of your network he can easily obtain your password with help of some software. I can prove you people by the video which I had uploaded in youtube.


  1. R u telling about man in the attack. Yes thats possible but it is tough but the person who knows to surf net securedly it will not be easy to the attackers in the middle. And I think Internet explorer is best for surfing net. They provide extra security than others.


  2. not really IE is not safe at all.... to me fire fox is best, there are lot of vulnerabilities in IE which can be breached easily. may be in my next post i will try to write about it.
    Thanks for your comments... keep doing it.

  3. I also want some valuable comment for my postings so that the netizens get awarness about the danger of cyber world. My blog is for those who has only very few idea about computers and internets but they have to check net for their official purpose.Thanks.


Conformio-Online Compliance Tool Multiple Vulnerabilities

# Exploit Title: Conformio-Online Compliance Tool Multiple Vulnerabilities. # Discovered Date: 16/11/2017 # Exploit Author: Ramikan # Websi...